BeFunky – For All of Your Devices

With BeFunky, whether you’re on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you’ll find all you need to create basically anything. This cross-platform functionality makes it easy to get creative – start a project out and about, and finish up at home! Here are some of the great things you can do and find when switching between devices:
All of Your Stuff, Everywhere
No matter which device you’re on, you’ll find all of the images, assets, and projects you’ve saved to BeFunky for quick and easy creativity. Want to use a photo you snapped on your phone in an Instagram template, but prefer the desktop experience? No problem! It’s easy to switch between devices for easy editing and uploading to any social media platform. Or, you can start designing new business cards on the go and then prepare them for high-quality printing once you get back to the office. Wherever creativity strikes, BeFunky is there for you.

Take Full Advantage of Your Plus Subscription
If you have a Plus subscription, you’ll find all of the Plus features you love – no matter which device you’re creating with or signed up with. Whatever influenced your decision to upgrade, whether that be our arsenal of photo editing tools, expansive library of Designer templates, or unique collage layouts, you can continue using them anywhere and everywhere.

The Look and Flow You’re Used To
We know it’s frustrating having to relearn workflows to accomplish tasks you do all the time. That’s why we made the web and mobile experiences feel nearly identical. Whether you are editing photos, making collages, or creating designs, switching between devices won’t pull you out of your creative flow. You’ll find features, tools, layouts, and templates organized in the exact same way. On your phone or tablet, you can access your Image Library, browse stock images or graphics, and make a list of your favorite fonts as you would on desktop – just with your finger instead of a mouse. And if you’re looking for some inspiration or help, you’ll also find that our Learn section and Help Center were similarly designed for a cross-device experience.

Get Funky With Any Device
Smartphone, tablet, or desktop, BeFunky flows seamlessly. Switching between devices allows you to pick and choose how you’ll take your photos, where you’ll get started, and when you’ll finish up. Try it for yourself to see how easy it is to create anything, anywhere. Download the app from Google Play and the App Store.