BeFunky Mobile: Why Go Pro?

You have 2 choices when it comes to BeFunky Mobile Apps. There's a Free version and a Pro version... so what's the difference? Glad you asked! The amount of effects is the difference!

The Free version comes with 34 filters and you can make that up to 70 with in app upgrades.

The Pro version comes with 76 filters, that means there are some in the Pro app that you can't even get in the Free version!

The Free version comes with 14 frames and you can add 12 more with in app upgrades.

The Pro version comes with 33 frames, which is 7 more options than you can get with the Free app!

Sure the Free app is fantastic, but the Pro app is even fantastic-er and you can get so much more creative when you have more options at your fingertips :) The choice is yours!!
Thanks for using BeFunky!