How to Manage Your Graphics With BeFunky

BeFunky has a massive library of vector graphics that are perfect for every project you can imagine. Whatever look you’re going for, we’ve got the perfect graphic for you. Whether you want to add vector graphics to your YouTube channel cover, create an infographic, add social media icons to your blog, or add stickers and overlays to your photos, you’ll find the perfect graphic for every situation. With the ability to personalize a mini graphic library for your needs that you can use across all of BeFunky, you will conquer any project you put your mind to. Click here to start browsing!
What Is a Vector Graphic?
A Vector graphic is an image not made up of a grid of pixels like JPGs, and GIFs; instead, vector graphics are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point, along with other points, curves, and angles along the way. This is a technical way of saying that BeFunky’s entire graphic assortment is incredibly high resolution, you can resize them all you want and they will remain sharp and in focus. You will never have to sacrifice the quality of the graphic, even if you need it scaled to gigantic proportions.
How to Search Vector Graphics
The Graphics tab will be the same– whether you’re using the Photo Editor, Collage Maker, or Graphic Designer., no matter the project you’re working on, you’ll have access to every vector graphic in BeFunky’s entire library. Simply click on the Graphics tab on the left side of your canvas and you will be met with a search bar to find the perfect graphic for your creation. Here are a few ways to find the graphic that will fit your needs:

Search by Popular Tags
Every graphic in the expansive library is tagged for easy searching. Once you click on the search bar, a page will pull up with some popular graphics, but also a collection of popular tags. From social media logos to assorted arrows, and everything in between, there is a tag for you. Simply click on the term that is calling to you, and the graphics selection will display those tagged with that descriptor. Click on the graphics that you may want to use, and then close the search box by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the interface.

Search by Term
If you have something specific in mind, and you don’t want to scroll through the popular tags menu to find it, you can type in your keyword into the search bar. Since every vector graphic is tagged, this will enable you to search a specific word and have a selection of what you’re looking for being pulled up. The broader the term, the more results will appear, but you can get more specific with your search and it will narrow down your results. When you find the graphics you want to use, simply click on the results and they will automatically be added to the Your Graphics section.

Add Your Own
If you’ve got your very own set of graphics, logos, or icons stored on your computer, you can use those in your BeFunky projects too! Just click on the Computer button in the Graphics tab, select your files, and watch them appear in the Your Graphics section. Now you can find all the graphics you need for any project, quicker than ever!

How to Access Your Graphics for Photos, Collages, and Designs
The Your Graphics section of the Graphics tab will have the graphics you select saved and ready for your use. You are able to add your graphics to your projects in a few ways, either double-click the thumbnails beneath the Your Graphics section or simply drag and drop them onto your canvas. Once the graphics have been added to your canvas, you can click on them to pull up the Graphic Properties menu, where you can make changes to the graphics like changing the color of them or adjusting the opacity. When you have the graphic selected, circles will appear around the graphic. These can be used to resize and rotate them however you please. Remember, since all of our graphics are in vector format, you can make them as large or small as you want without losing a pixel of resolution.

How to Manage Your Graphics Library
The best thing about BeFunky’s vector graphics is that once you add any graphic to the Your Graphics section, you can access them seamlessly across BeFunky. If you want to use the same graphics on a design in the Designer, a photo in the Photo Editor, and a collage in the Collage Maker, the Your Graphics section will feature the same graphics and icons you’ve added. You can create your very own mini-library of graphics for quick and easy access across BeFunky. Removing graphics from the Your Graphics section is as easy as hovering over the thumbnail and clicking the X in the bottom right corner. This way, you can always have control over which graphics you want quick access to.

Create Your Own Vector Graphic Library Today
BeFunky has made it easy to create your own graphics library that you can access across BeFunky. In just a few clicks you can personalize and customize what graphics you want quick access to for any project. Click here to get started creating your own mini-graphic library!