Millions of Free Stock Photos for your BeFunky Projects (Thanks to Pexels)!

Our free stock image library was already huge, but now it’s even bigger. In addition to providing you stock photos from Pixabay right within our web app, we’re elated to add Pexels to our list of stock photo partners. That means we now have millions of free stock photos for you to easily access and use in your BeFunky projects! Yes, you read that right. Millions. You’ll be able to find whatever you need when it comes to stock photos, for free.

You’ll find this giant collection in the Image Manager tab of our Photo Editor, Collage Maker, and Graphic Designer. With access wherever you are in the web app, you can curate your own stock photo collection from the library for using in your photo editing session, collage layout, or graphic design masterpiece! We’ll show you exactly how to find the perfect stock images for your BeFunky project without ever having to leave the site.
How To Search BeFunky’s Stock Photo Library
While you’ll find the library in whichever platform you’re working in (and the steps are exactly the same), we’ll show you how to search the library from our Photo Editor. First, head to the Photo Editor, upload a photo of your choice to create a canvas, and click on the Image Manager tab in the main menu on the left. Once you’re there, click the Search Stock Images button to open the library.

There are two ways to search these stock photos. The first is to type a search term into the text box and press the Enter button on your keyboard to browse through the results.

The second is to click on any of the buttons under Popular Searches to browse some of the most searched terms.

Any time you find an image you’d like to use, click on it in the library. You’ll see a blue border surround it and a blue checkmark added to the thumbnail when you do. This means that the image is automatically added to BeFunky for you to use in your project. Click on as many stock photos as you’d like, and when you’re finished, close out of the Stock Image Library by clicking the x in the upper right corner.

Now that you’re back in the Image Manager, you’ll see all the stock image selections you’ve made as thumbnails on the left. Click on any thumbnail and choose Add as Layer to add the photo as a layer onto your BeFunky project. You can even load one as your background in the Photo Editor (just choose Set As Background) if you’d like to practice your photo editing skills. If you’re in the Collage Maker, simply drag-and-drop the thumbnails into collage cells to fill them. And if you’re in the Designer, drag-and-drop the thumbnails over existing images in your design template to replace them.

Now that you’ve got access to millions of free stock photos right from within BeFunky, your workflow is going to be more seamless than ever! Click the link below to start browsing our bigger-than-ever stock photo collection.